Monday, August 13, 2012

#2423-To Nicolaus Hausmann

To the worthy man, Herr Mag.Nic. Hausmann, the very loyal and clear servant of Christ, his superior in the LOrd. Grace and peace in Christ! I am sending to you the pamphlet against the Sabbatarians and the decision of the Cardinale on the reformed Church.Everything else,I believe, you have which was previously printed,as Judas beside the hanged Pope. D.Jonas is my substitute in the trip to Braunschweig; I myself cannot travel; I fear for my health. For news I have nothing you already have had at length, and that there is no peace between Caesar and the French, and the Venetians are in extremity because of the Turks, who have enclosed their fleet and forced it to be idle. If Caesar and the Princes of the Italians do not bring help they will again have to enter a treaty with the Turks. God forgive our sins and have mercy on us and bring us to that Day of Salvation,Amen. Be it right well with you in Christ and pray to the LOrd for me. Greet M.Peter. On mid-week of Oculi(27 March)1538.

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